I couldn't resist her request to "wear it"... she wanted to twirl in it but I told her she'd have to wait a few more years, she settled for just "wearing it" this time!
Last week I was able to have a week of vacation and we just stayed home instead of traveling... it was really nice having time at home to just get things done and spend time with Emmaline. Nauna and Papa were also able to come visit for a long weekend, which is always fun!
Here helping to give the dogs a much needed bath!
Dressing up in her new princess outfit... another favorite past time
Sharing a Starbucks outing with Nauna on Mother's day
Picking strawberries... we were able to pick enough strawberries while my mom was here to make 3 recipes of strawberry jam!
Last month I ran the country music 1/2 marathon, here Emmaline is "admiring" my medal

The night before the run Monica and I got to "carb load" (guilt free!) we went to dinner together and Emmaline and Avery had so much fun hanging out together, as usual!
Emmaline and cousin Lyla, how have they gotten so big???
she was so excited this time to blow out her candles...we celebrated with a little famly get together, cupcakes and 2 and 1/2 candles!
our "whole family" enjoying an outside lunch
picking flowers with Nauna
Working on holding up 2 and 1/2 fingers...kind-of tricky!
making "Big Bird lemonade" with Daddy
making her "pink princess cupcakes"
just being silly...
Ahhh, the beach!!!