It's a bedtime tradition that began with Little Nutbrown Hare, and each night we try to outdo the last...I love you to the moon and the beach and the mountians...and one of my favorites, "to Jesus and the angels" and back...We never imagined we would be saying, I love you to Africa and seems like the furthest imaginable place, but yet in God's perfect timing, we plan to go.... to Africa and back!!! And when we get back, we will have another little cheek to kiss goodnight...please keep us in your prayers and enjoy this journey with us!

Friday, April 5, 2013

He Hung a Rainbow

Where a mountain once stood, with the sun behind waiting to shine past, a rainbow now promises hope. 

We were given two weeks to pay $13,000, a lot of money. Our accounts exhausted from adoption expenses, we prayed for a miracle. We had every reason to believe that the little twins had also been chosen by Him, for our family, but we told God, "this is up to You. We don't have the money, if we don't make this  payment, we don't move forward, please lead". Again, we were just stepping out in faith, with no glimpse of a boat in sight...and then He used YOU!!! We have been so humbled, we have sat here, in awe watching God move the hearts of family, friends, friends and family of friends, and complete strangers.

Three days before our payment was due,  I was contacted by a couple of people on their own adoption journeys. They began sharing unsettling stories with me. I saw glimpses of all of the things that can go wrong. I started feeling discouraged. I started doubting what we were doing. It began gnawing at me. I was getting that "gut" feeling that we were stepping in over our heads. Really, what were we thinking? God, are you trying to tell me something? From the very beginning of our adoption journey, step by step I've first followed my gut feeling, prayed about it and moved forward with Gods guidance. We have had no doubt, from the very beginning, that God has the exact child or children chosen for our family, and that He will guide our decisions to lead us to them. But, why now, at this critical time was I feeling this way? The next morning, after worrying about it all night, the thought kept playing over in my head, "the devil loves orphans"...I began REALLY praying. My entire drive to work that morning I prayed, "God, in two days we have to pay A LOT of money.  We have been watching you work, we have no doubt that you can make this happen, but if we are not supposed to move forward, STOP us. Put up a road block, that we can't miss. If we don't have the money in time, we will reconsider our next step". This prayer was so different than any other prayer I had been praying. Everything else has been, please lead us, if it is your will make this happen, help us move forward in the right direction...This was a "God, stop us, put up a roadblock".  And again, an answered prayer and a miracle unfolded, right in front of me. Within an hour of praying that prayer, I was contacted by a complete stranger. This person assured me they were a friend of a friend, I could verify they were "real" if I wanted to. I was told, "We have been saving money to make a large donation for some charitable work that caught our interest.  International adoption and particularly keeping sibling sets together is something that God put on my heart many years ago. " chill bumps...God this is NOT a roadblock! The EXACT amount remaining of our balance was paid, we received EXACTLY $13,000 in donations...we are so humbled....I have no doubt now that Satan was working hard on my heart. Stirring up doubt and confusion. But God is so much bigger!!! If God wanted us to move forward, He could have let the donations continue to trickle in, He could have still made it happen. I could have assumed that since the money came in God must be giving us a sign that we are doing the right thing. He didn't stop us, right? But no, God answered in a BIG way! He made His plans so clear! Praise God that He has something big planned for these children and that He has chosen us to be a part of it! What a blessing to be living within a miracle, having a front row seat to watch GOD work! This is not about us, it's not about our faith or our's about God changing the lives of children and I think He enjoys having an attentive audience! I'm so thankful to be a part of it, and I'm so honored to be able to have such an amazing story to share. Thank you so much for being in Gods audience with us and for sharing with others. God is not only changing the lives of our children, He is changing our lives. I want to shout from the mountain top, "Look what my God can do!"

We saw God move the mountain, but not only did He move the mountain and clear the rain clouds. He allowed the sun to shine through, stretching a rainbow across the sky. He has said to us, "I am in control, trust Me" .

We now once again wait, trusting. We have submitted all of the needed documents for the twins and payment has been made. Next is waiting for the Congolese court appointment. Please pray that our children will pass court quickly. This is estimated to take 2-4 months. We thought that while they were waiting for court, we would be waiting for our updated  US immigration approval (changing our approval from 2 children to 3). This was supposed to take 4-6 weeks.  But, instead we received it in 9 days!!! One more step closer to bringing them home! Please also pray for our children who are waiting to come home. I've seen it quoted, "An orphanage is no place for a child" and it absolutely is no place for our children...We can't wait to see what God has in store next! We are so grateful for all of the prayers being said. We thank you!

My song share this week :-) Kutless - That's What Faith Can Do


  1. WOW. This is a God-sized story. Uhhhh-mazing! I love it. Thank you for letting us walk this journey with you. You have encouraged us in our adoption journey. thank you. To God be the glory.

    1. I am also loving watching your story unfold! So thankful that God has led us down this path :-) He is so good!

  2. I just saw your story on small fry & you've ignited the adoption spark I've always felt. If you don't mind me asking, which agency are you going through. How difficult is the process? Have/will you need to travel to Africa? How much does it cost per child? How long is the average wait? What made you go with Congo over other countries? I am trying to decide which country we would like to adopt from. Thanks so much for sharing your story! I am so excited for your soon to be family of 6!

    1. sorry so slow getting back! I'd love to talk with you, you can email me

  3. Cara, not only is your story awesome! but you are a great writer. Perhaps you should look into writing on the side. I love every word you put down girl!

    1. thanks...loving having such a "God-sized" story to share! Thanks for sharing in it with us!
